Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Weigh In Week 4

So this last week has been my official week back on Weight Watchers. I won't lie, I had few days where I ate a little more than my point allowance for that day (and when I say a little I really mean like 2 or 4 points). Even so, sure enough I have gone down FOUR POUNDS!! WHOOOHOOOO!!!! This is so exciting and so encouraging. Mel and I were talking one night and we both agreed that if the three of us (Bri, Mel, and I) were skinner, we would be EATING men. For real. I mean, we're all beauties...but for whatever reason boys/men are not really looking at us (except for the occasional drunk guy). They'll be sorry when we get to our new healthy selves, that's all I have to say (not hateful or anything).

I just realized something....all three of us (Bri, Mel, and I) shorten our names. Or maybe I just do it to all three of us. But all of our names have the potential to be shortened to only three letters and still make a name. Random I know. I thought it was kind of cool.

This weekend I'm going to a BBQ at a friends in San Angelo and I'm going to make one of the cupcakes recipes on the Weight Watchers site. I'll post a review about it when I get back and I'll post a picture as well! TODAY I GO CLIMBING!!!!! Did you know for an hour of climbing you get 12 activity points on weight watchers???? Crazy. That's almost a m&m sonic blast!!!

All right...I'm done for the day.


  1. Dude, whatever, you and Mel are the beauties, I have to get by on my big brain and sharp wit, lol. Anywho...congrats on four pounds!

    I never really shortened my name until I got to college. I mean family and stuff called me Bri and a few friends in high school, but it wasn't until I got to college that it really caught on. I think because everyone didn't know how to pronounce my name, so they think Bri is easier, lol. Can't go wrong with that, :)

    Have fun in Angelo, and have you been to the fair yet?? The last day is Sunday so we should totally go if you haven't been yet :) <3

  2. Awesome keep up the good work!!! And Bri you are beautiful you are just now coming into your own girl and you have your whole like ahead of you!! You three are all awesome and don't you forget it!!!!!
