Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Flu pounds...

Current Weight: 241 lbs

Since my last update, I've lost another 8 lbs!  But it sort of feels like cheating... I'm accounting for most of them because I got some superhuman flu sickness last week that knocked me out for almost a week.  All I did last week was sleep and eat popsicles.  I literally don't think I ate anything else.  My appetite has been pretty slow to come back too.

I've never been a big breakfast eater so one of my eating strategies for losing weight has been to make sure I eat at least 3 times a day and definitely sneak in as much breakfast as I could.  My little routine had become a protein bar for breakfast, deli sandwich for lunch, and a salad or something random for dinner.  But coming out of my sickness, I flat haven't been able to finish any of my meals.  I get too full and nauseous.  Maybe it's the antibiotics I'm on but it's freaking me out a little.

Friday, September 25, 2009


As for me- I'm up three pounds. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised but I was. I know I did cheat quite a bit but I worked out this last week more and consistently than I have in a while. So needless to say I am a little upset. Of course this just made me want to eat more however I've found that the last couple of days I have been more aware of what I am eating. I've worked out everyday except yesterday (that was my off day for working out). Hopefully I can't stick to this and really begin something for myself here.

Week One

Oh-kay, so I'm a few days late, but basically here was the weigh-in results...


So like, half a pound. Better then nothing, but still not great. And since I wasn't feeling great this week I cheated A LOT and had McDonald's #3 (which I haven't had in YEARS!) and got ice cream yesterday. Plus we're having a breakfast thing this morning in the fitness office with doughnuts, pigs in a blanket, and fruit and stuff. *sigh* Moderation, moderation, moderation!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The last first post!

Seeing as it is my first official post, let's get some official business out of the way.

I'm Melanie (or Mel), a 24 year old nerd with hippie tendencies and I weigh 249lbs.

That was sort of liberating, to just put THE number out there.

From as early as I can recall, I've thought of myself as a chubby girl. I remember thinking I was the blob in a size 12 back in high school. Now if I could buy a pair of size 12 jeans, I'd kiss strangers in the street. Since my preteens, my weight has been a steady slope upwards. Another couple years, another size. And with that new size, always came another idea for losing all the weight.  The idea would generally last until I woke up the next morning. But I've never felt as serious about actually doing it as I do now.

About a month ago, my mom went to a new doctor who put her through a battery of testing. She was poked and prodded all around town. Every doctor said the same thing... "Lose some weight and yadda yadda doctor stuff." She was telling me this and I realized that I'm 50lbs heavier than her. What would all of those doctors say to ME?

Mom and I joined the gym down the street, aptly named Crull Fitness, and try to squeeze in at least 2 workouts a week. It isn't much (and I hate making this excuse) but our schedules are hectic at best. The only days we're mutually free from school, work and more work are Thursdays and weekends.  It's life though, you have to deal right?

I've also quit all the tasty sodas that I used to so generously chug.  Now it's all Coke Zeros, water, and my morning cup of coffee.  I've discovered that I actually love all the flavored Coke Zeros.  They've got Cherry and Vanilla flavors, both are delicious. The Vanilla is even a little sweet, I save those for a fix after work if I need it.  I never thought I'd ever consider a diet drink as a treat.

A month ago I weighed 265lbs. Since then I've lost 16lbs. My big woohoo goal is 150lbs but really, I think I'd be happy getting into those size 12s again.

So I'm done with the excuses. Done not doing all the little things I've passed on doing because they're too tiring or too hard or too embarrassing.

16lbs down, 99 to go!


Okay, first post! Woot!

I guess I should start off by stating that I, like Mel and Meg, I am 24. And as I just weighed myself yesterday, I am 234lbs. I have to say that number shocks me a bit, I thought I was doing okay and had lost a bit, but I guess not...

I've never really had a problem with working out. I actually like it. I love to run, it helps to clear my mind and helps me to think. Doing weight workouts is pretty easy because I have about twenty people around me who specialize in exercise science who can tell me if I'm doing good with my circuit training. However-food has always been my problem. Sometimes I don't know when to stop. It started early too, I was a really picky eater when I was younger and had a really bad sweet tooth. According to my Dad, I used to make my Mom cry because she would clean my room and find hidden candy wrappers and stuff like that. No wonder I had horrible cavaties when I was younger...

Anyway, so I've been pretty much active for a long time but food's the problem. I decided that maybe I needed different motivation. My friend Jen talked me into running a half marathon with her in January. And in December a friend at work convinced me to run the White Rock half-marathon with her. That's 13 miles. In one day. In one race. Twice. Lord help me. I've started my "training". I put that in astricks because I have been slipping a lot. My running was not great, hasn't been since I started working full time and been on my feet a lot. I used to be able to run 3-4 miles and be fine. Now I can get through about a mile and half but that last half is a bit slow going.

I'm also doing Zumba, doing weight training circuits, and biking. My eating though? Suuuuuuuuuuuuck. I'm working on it. I just keep on seeing me having to give up during the race because I didn't train smarter and I just had to have that ice cream, or that burger or pizza or whatever. I'm trying to keep myself positive and everything but it's hard to ignore my impulses. Like yesterday when we had our staff meeting with cupcakes? I had one cupcake and then I had another. And the worst part was, I knew I didn't need it. I just wanted it. Blah. I felt horrible afterwards and couldn't stop thinking about the amount of carloies I was putting into my body and getting nothing out of it. So I'm stopping. Or at least I'm trying too. Old habits are hard to break.

I've had a long talk with a doctor and health nut (thanks Brian and Sabrina!) and we all agreed that 160lbs is a good weight for me. I've got a big frame so anything lower might make me look sickly, lol. So that's it! 234-160......74lbs. We can do it though, together we are strong!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The First of (hopefully) many!

So this is my first official post for what is (hopefully) going to become a weight loss blog for Mel and I (and maybe Briana if she answers me back). So as of this morning I weighed myself in at 243.5 which is actually 3 lbs less than I thought. I actually told Melanie last night (as we watched the season premiere of Biggest Loser-which inspired this blog) that I was at 246. I have been working out, and pretty hard for me, almost every day. I've been briskly walking and jogging for 45 minutes on the treadmill and then doing some toning. Along with that I've been drinking slim-fast in the morning (because it's easy and fast) and usually at night my Aunt makes a salad along with a good meal. I guess all of this combined has turned out some results.

I'm happy that starting this process I've already lost weight from where I thought I was. So I think this is a good start to a new and healthy ME!

More to come...DUH DUH DUN!!!!!