Thursday, February 25, 2010


Previous weight: 220 lbs
Current weight: 211 lbs

It's been awhile. It's been a little rough, I got down to 208 a week or two ago but have gained some of it back.  January, so many birthdays, so much cake. February, so much valentine's candy and the dreaded Girl Scout cookie shipment just arrived.  I work at an Elementary school and after some serious haggling with several very serious girl scouts, I agreed to buy 1 box per girl scout.  So I've got quite a few thin mints coming my way, if anyone is interested.  The sensible thing would be to donate/give them away.  We'll see what happens.  I've gotten one of my boxes and haven't touched it yet, though I did come home last night to Megan's awesome baking.  So there was one cookie down for the count.

I feel like my eating habits are slipping out of control.  Just have to, have to stay conscious of what I'm eating.  As long as I'm aware, I think I'll do fine.